World|life|April 15, 2014 / 09:30 AM
U.S. denies clemency for WikiLeaks source Manning

AKIPRESS.COM - WikiLeaks U.S. Army has denied clemency to the soldier formerly known as Bradley Manning for leaking hundreds of thousands of documents to anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks, upholding a 35-year sentence. Major General Jeffrey Buchanan, the convening authority in Manning's court-martial, approved the August findings and sentence of military Judge Denise Lind last week, but his decision was only made public Monday, The Voice of Russia reported.

Manning, who has requested a name change to Chelsea and publicly announced via her lawyers that she considers herself as female, had filed a request for clemency in March.

Manning's supporters say the appeals process should be taken before U.S. federal courts and all the way to the Supreme Court.

Defense attorney David Coombs had asked President Barack Obama to grant clemency to Manning. In an open letter, Coombs said the former intelligence analyst did not receive a fair trial, and called for Buchanan to reduce the “unjust” and “excessive” sentence.

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