AKIPRESS.COM - Pervomay district court of Bishkek permitted the seizure of documents on bank accounts, operations and contents of cells from 2009 to the present belonging to ex-President Almazbek Atambayev and his family members from the following banks: Bishkek branch of the National Bank of Pakistan, BTA Bank, Demir Bank, Bai Tushum Bank, Bank of Asia, Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank, Tolubay Bank, Aiyl Bank, Capital Bank, Bakai Bank, Dos-Kredobank, Commercial Bank Kyrgyzstan, Eurasian Savings Bank, RSK Bank, FinanceCreditBank, Halyk Bank Kyrgyzstan, EcoIslamicBank, Optima Bank, RK Amanbank, Rosinbank, Kyrgyzkommertsbank, FINCA Bank, Chang An Bank, and Kompanion Bank...