Kazakhstan|life|July 8, 2019 / 03:50 PM
OSCE supports summer school on human rights and cybersecurity in Nur-Sultan

AKIPRESS.COM - An OSCE-supported summer school for law students and young law researchers, focusing on the relationship between human rights and cybersecurity, began on 8 July 2019 in Nur-Sultan, the OSCE reported.

During this five-day summer school, 30 law students and young researchers from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and the Russian Federation will deepen their knowledge on the key legal aspects of development and the exercise of human rights in cyberspace. Participants will discuss national and international policies on internet governance and what challenges and opportunities it causes for protecting and enjoying citizen's rights and freedoms. The discussions will focus on public privacy in cyberspace, personal data regulations and protection, as well as on practices and steps to improve online security. The participants will also be tasked to develop a common project idea on international co-operation on human rights and cybersecurity matters.

National experts will present relevant topics related to the collection and analysis of digital evidence in court proceedings and automating fulfilment of legal transactions.

The summer school, which combines both academic and cultural programme elements, was organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Nur-Sultan and the M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University.

The event is part of the Programme Office’s long-standing activities to support human rights education in the host country.

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