Kyrgyzstan|health|August 2, 2019 / 04:35 PM
25 cysts removed from 5yo girl after liver surgery

AKIPRESS.COM - A 5-year-old girl underwent a liver surgery and got 25 cysts removed from her, chief doctor of Osh regional hospital Kiyalbek Tashpolotov said.

The girl had echinococcosis. The disease damaged more than half the liver, he said.

Doctor said that malnutrition, lack of clean drinking water, environmental conditions affect the health of people. Not only adults, but children suffer from various diseases, he said.

According to surgeon Kaldarbek Aibashov, signs of a girl's illness were noticed by her mother when she was swimming. "Proper hygiene is essential to prevent such diseases," he said.

Doctors noted the growth in the number of people suffering from echinococcosis, which is increasingly affecting not only human's liver and lungs, but also the brain, spinal cord, heart and other internal organs.

Echinococcosis is a parasitic disease of tapeworms of the Echinococcus type. The two main types of the disease are cystic echinococcosis and alveolar echinococcosis. Less common forms include polycystic echinococcosis and unicystic echinococcosis. The disease often starts without symptoms and this may last for years.


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