Kyrgyzstan|sport|February 10, 2020 / 09:21 AM
UFC 247: Valentina Shevchenko defeats Katlyn Chookagian

AKIPRESS.COM - Valentina Shevchenko defeated Katlyn Chookagian on the UFC 247 card on Saturday.

Shevchenko's win over Chookagian was her third defense of the title. 

Shevchenko finished Chookagian early in the third round of their matchup.

After the contest, UFC president Dana White said: “She’s so awesome, she’s such a professional and such a good human being on top of it. The end of the day, man, she’s a gangster. That woman is an absolute gangster. When you got a gun tattooed on your hip, you’re somebody not to be (expletive) with, you know what I’m saying?”

UFC 247 took place at Toyota Center in Houston, Texas.  

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