Mongolia|life|March 2, 2020 / 02:30 PM
Mongolian diplomatic missions working on high alert

AKIPRESS.COM - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia is putting a special emphasis on registering more than 190 thousand Mongolians living in about 80 countries around the world, give them coronavirus prevention recommendations, and stay in close touch with them.

Mongolian diplomatic missions to China, South Korea, Japan, Italy, and Russia have especially been placed on high alert and are receiving directives from the Foreign Ministry, Montsame reports.

Around 50 thousand Mongolians are currently living in European countries, 48 thousand in South Korea, and 14 thousand in Japan. 6,200 citizens booked flights to return to Mongolia in the near future after the suspension of flights to and from South Korea is lifted and about 500 individuals will fly from Tokyo to Ulaanbaatar when the air travel suspension to and from Japan comes into an end.

In response to an official request by the Mongolian Embassy in Tokyo, Japan instructed the immigration departments of its 47 prefectures to extend J type visas of Mongolian nationals in Japan by 15 to 30 days.

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