World|health|April 17, 2020 / 02:18 PM
Russia's coronavirus cases surge by over 4,000 in 6th consecutive one-day record

AKIPRESS.COM - Russia confirmed 4,069 new coronavirus infections on Friday, bringing the country’s official number of cases to 32,007 and marking the latest one-day record in new cases, MT reports.

Two hundred and seventy-three people have been killed by the virus.

Russia’s officially reported numbers — which are still relatively lower than those in European countries — have sparked suspicion. Experts warn that Russia's testing capacity is hampered by bureaucracy, while officials warn that the real number of cases is likely much higher.

The majority of Russia's cases are in Moscow. Since March 30, all of Moscow's 12 million residents have been ordered to stay in their homes with few exceptions.

Worldwide, the virus has infected over 2 million people.

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