Kyrgyzstan|life|June 9, 2020 / 10:54 AM
Villager building house for tourists on top of 50-year-old plane tree

AKIPRESS.COM - Duishomkul Japarov is building a tree house for tourists in his home Kyshtut village, Batken district.

The construction of the tree house is 50% complete. The man plans to finish construction before the end of this year.

The house is built on the top of the 50-year-old plane tree planted by his father.

The house is on the height of 12 meters above the ground. One have to climb 41 steps up to get to the house.

Duishomkulov is a skillful master making items used in everyday life from wood and tree branches.

The house may be equipped without unnnecesary spending of money, he says. "You just need to have interest and to work hard," the man says.

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