Uzbekistan|economy|September 27, 2022 / 04:47 PM
Uzbekistan's exports to Russia exceed $1.8 billion in 8 months

AKIPRESS.COM - Uzbekistan exported its products for $1.853 billion to Russia in 8 months of this year, according to the State Statistics Committee of Uzbeistan.

Russia is followed by China ($1.769 billion), Kazakhstan ($884 million), Kyrgyzstan ($598 million), Afghanistan ($465 million), Tajikistan ($309 million), Turkmenistan ($146 million), Canada ($137 million), Iran ($108 million).

China and Russia also at the top of the list of countries that supplied products to Uzbekistan. Imports from these countries amounted to $4.3 billion and $3.8 billion, respectively.

They are followed by Kazakhstan ($1.9 billion), Korea ($1.6 billion); Turkey ($1.1 billion), Germany ($649 million), India ($413 million), Turkmenistan ($387 million), Brazil ($337 million), United States ($267 million).

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