Kyrgyzstan|education|February 7, 2023 / 11:00 AM
US donates math teaching aids to more than 1600 Kyrgyz public schools

AKIPRESS.COM - One thousand, six hundred eighty-two public schools will receive more than 3,372 sets of mathematics teaching and learning materials. Provided by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), these materials will help young students better learn and understand math concepts. The official handover ceremony took place at school #69 in Bishkek with the participation of the Minister of Education and Science Mr. Ulanbek Mambetakunov, USAID/Kyrgyz Republic Mission Director Ms. Kaya Adams, and representatives of 10 public schools in Bishkek.

The kits, developed by USAID’s Okuu Keremet! project, contain 27 different items, such as 3D geometric shapes, clocks, counting sticks, grid overlays. They will be used in primary school to help children “feel” and “see” the abstract math concepts. These learning tools will help students understand the logic and meaning underlying symbols, operations, and rules.

"They are mobile, effective, and timely. My colleagues can't wait to receive and start using them in their math classes," says Farida Sabyralieva, primary school teacher at A. Zhamanbaev school, Chui region.

In March, more than 13,000 teachers in target schools will be trained on effective teaching methods using these math kits, in a collaborative effort between the Kyrgyz Ministry of Education and USAID.

Minister of Education Ulanbek Mambetakunov noted that these kits are adapted to the learning of a young child. "They will make a great contribution to improving students' mathematical skills," said Minister Mambetakunov.

“These materials, focused on teaching math, are one-of-a-kind and especially developed for the education system of the Kyrgyz Republic. We are very proud to be a part of this initiative,” says Kaya Adams, USAID/Kyrgyz Republic Mission Director.

The USAID Okuu Keremet! project is designed to help improve learning outcomes in reading and mathematics and has benefited more than 450,000 primary grade students to date. The project is implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic and reaches approximately 75% of all schools across the country.

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