World|life|March 15, 2023 / 05:35 PM
1.6 million of Afghan refugees have arrived in countries of Central Asia since 2021 - UN

AKIPRESS.COM - UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, made a humanitarian appeal at a briefing in Geneva - $4.62 billion is needed to help Afghans in 2023. This is reported by the UN website.

"Afghanistan is one of the world's largest and most severe humanitarian crises. A record 28.3 million people – some two-thirds of the population, including women and girls – require humanitarian and protection assistance. Needs have been further exacerbated by recent restrictions on women, including the ban on female Afghan NGO staff," the statement reads.

The organization considers financial support of Afghanistan's population critical to stave off wide-spread hunger, disease, malnutrition and deaths. A similar funding appeal for 2022 was only 52% funded, with $321 million received of the $623 million required.

In addition, a regional plan to support Afghan refugees and host families in neighboring countries for $13 million was announced during the briefing.

"The Regional Refugee Response Plan for the Afghanistan Situation 2023 seeks $613 million to support Afghans sheltering in five neighbouring countries: Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. These countries host some 8.2 million Afghans, including over 2 million registered refugees. Many have been in the region for decades, mostly in the Islamic Republics of Iran and Pakistan," the UN said.

1.6 million of Afghan refugees have arrived in Central Asian countries since 2021. Over 70% of those in need of support are women and children.

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