Tajikistan|politics|June 14, 2023 / 01:55 PM
Iran offers Tajikistan and Russia assistance in production of UAVs - US Department of State

AKIPRESS.COM - Iran offered to assist Russia and Tajikistan in establishing the production of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) on their territory, the US Department of State says. This version is provided in the recommendations for businesses,  published  on Friday on the website of the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation of the US Department of State.

The document was prepared by the Department of Commerce, the Department of Justice, the Department of State and the Department of the Treasury.

"Reports indicate Iran has offered to provide UAV production technology and facilities to Tajikistan and Russia.  With these efforts, Tehran may be seeking to strengthen bilateral relationships, boost the profits of its export sector, and complicate efforts to constrain its UAV activities through export controls and other measures," the document says.

Iran has transferred hundreds of Shahed- and Mohajer-series UAVs to Russia since at least late August 2022.

"Moscow has used these UAVs extensively to strike critical infrastructure during its brutal war of aggression against Ukraine," the report notes.

The recommendations list key commodities sought by Iran for its development of UAVs. It is emphasized that businesses should not allow these commodities to enter Iran.

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