Kyrgyzstan|foreign policy|August 10, 2023 / 02:30 PM
Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan consider cooperation in alternative and renewable energy sources

AKIPRESS.COM - The delegation of Uzbekistan, consisting of leading analytical centers, met with Director of Azerbaijan Renewable Energy Agency Javid Abdullayev in Baku on August 9, UzA reported.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the International Institute for Central Asia, the Center for Economic Research and Reforms, the Institute for Macroeconomic and Regional Studies, the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies, the Information and Analytical Center for International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan.

The dialogue was devoted to discussing strategies implemented in the countries to transition to alternative and renewable energy sources, and prospects for cooperation between Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.

It was noted that the Azerbaijan Renewable Energy Agency is interested in establishing close cooperation with Uzbekistan in green energy.

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