Kazakhstan|politics|August 29, 2023 / 02:42 PM
Foreign Ministry of Kazakhstan announces leave of Russian Consul General after his statements about decline in Russian language study in republic

AKIPRESS.COM - Russian Consul General in Kazakhstan Yevgeny Bobrov left his post, official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Aibek Smadiyarov said, according to Orda.kz. This happened a few days after Bobrov said that Russian is taught less in Kazakhstan.

Bobrov announced in an interview with TASS, which was released on August 23, a decline in the study of the Russian language in Kazakhstan. According to him, the number of Russian-language schools and classes is also decreasing, there is a shortage of teachers and other problems.

A spokesperson for the Kazakh Foreign Ministry on August 28 rejected these claims and stressed that the authorities have no plans to switch all schools to Kazakh and that citizens can choose the language of education.

"Perhaps this person was not aware of all the information about the country," Smadiyarov said.

According to him, Bobrov "finished his diplomatic mission" and "is no longer in Kazakhstan." He did not specify whether the resignation was voluntary or it was a requirement of the Kazakh Foreign Ministry.

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