World|life|January 5, 2024 / 12:32 PM
ISIS claims responsibility for terrorist attacks in Kerman cemetery

AKIPRESS.COM - The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for a terrorist attack on a cemetery in Kerman, Iran.

ISIS said that two bombers used explosive belts in the crowd that had gathered at the cemetery, the Iranian agency IRNA reported. President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi called those responsible for the bombings "enemies of the nation" and said they would be punished.

Several explosions occurred at a cemetery in Kerman on January 3. A ceremony was held there in memory of Qassem Soleimani - he was killed on January 3, 2020, as a result of a US Air Force missile strike near Baghdad airport.

Iranian Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi on January 4 reported revised data on the victims of the terrorist attack: 84 dead and 284 injured. The country's authorities earlier reported about 103 dead and 211 injured people.

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