Uzbekistan|economy|January 9, 2024 / 04:29 PM
Uzbekistan - Iran business forum takes place in Bukhara region
Photo: Tohir Istatov

AKIPRESS.COM - Bukhara hosted a business forum for entrepreneurs of Bukhara region and Hamadan province, UzA reports. It was attended by Governor General of Hamadan province Alireza Ghasemi Farzad, as well as Ambassador of Iran to Uzbekistan Mohammad Ali Eskandari.

21 joint projects have been launched in cooperation between entrepreneurs of Bukhara region and Iran. Five of them are foreign enterprises created entirely at the expense of Iranian capital. Iran is one of the countries that has a significant share in foreign trade turnover with Bukhara region, which has doubled over the past seven years.

A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed following the business forum. A B2B meeting was also held between entrepreneurs from Hamadan and Bukhara.

Representatives of the business community became closely acquainted with the activities of the milk processing enterprise Bukhara Agrocluster DZZ.

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