AKIPRESS.COM - Minister of Road and Transport Development S. Byambatsogt met with Ambassador of Iran to Mongolia Mohsen Bakhtiyar. They discussed concluding agreements on air and road transport between the two countries in near future, Montsame reports.
According to the agreements, the Mongolian side will be able to conduct transport to Middle Eastern countries such as Qatar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates through Iran, will receive access to the Indian Ocean through Iran's Bandar Abbas port.
The benefits of transit transportation will be increased by direct export and import transit transportation in the western region. Mongolian sheep meat will be exported to Iran, while various fruits, vegetables, building materials, and light industrial products will be imported from Iran.
The Ministry of Road and Transport Development reported that as a result of the agreements on air and road transport, exports of the two countries will be increased, travel of citizens of the two countries and trade between enterprises will be facilitated, leading to an increase of economic relations and trade turnover.