Uzbekistan|business|February 6, 2024 / 09:56 AM
Israel to address construction worker shortage with new labor force from Uzbekistan

AKIPRESS.COM - The government of Israel announced on February 4 that it intends to bring in 65,000 foreign workers from countries including India, Sri Lanka, and Uzbekistan, as reported by Reuters.

This move comes in the wake of security concerns that led to the expulsion of approximately 72,000 Palestinian workers following an attack by the HAMAS movement on October 7, 2023. The departure of these workers has left a significant void in the construction labor force, leading to the near-halving of operational construction sites across the country due to a shortage of skilled labor.

Currently, only about 20,000 foreign workers remain in Israel's construction sector, and the labor deficit has caused considerable disruptions in ongoing projects.

A representative from the Ministry of Housing in Israel has indicated that the arrival of the new contingent of foreign workers is expected in the following weeks. This strategic move by Israel is indicative of the evolving geopolitical landscape in the region and reflects the nation's agile response to labor market challenges.

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