Mongolia|foreign policy|February 19, 2024 / 11:44 AM
Project on eco-friendly agriculture development worth $10 million to be implemented in Mongolia

AKIPRESS.COM - Minister of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia Bat-Erdene Bat-Ulzii received Ambassador of Canada Sandra Choufani on February 16, Montsame reports.

The parties exchanged experiences in mitigating climate change, reducing desertification and land degradation, increasing forest reserves, and implementing One Billion Trees campaign, the Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia reported.

Discussions also revolved around protecting specially protected natural areas, improving proper use and protection management, and strengthening the capacity of environmentalists through enhanced cooperation between the administrations of specially protected areas.

Ambassador Sandra Choufani expressed Canada's concern about desertification, air and soil pollution, and pasture degradation in Mongolia and Canada. The government of Canada plans to launch $10 million project in the field of eco-friendly agriculture in Mongolia. The project will be implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry, farmers, and enterprises operating in the agriculture sector, the Ambassador noted.

"We are committed to investing in projects and initiatives aimed at developing a green economy in Mongolia, supporting environmentally friendly businesses, and meeting energy needs through sources other than coal. If Mongolia transitions to green energy, it has the potential to become an energy-exporting country. Our country derives energy from various sources such as waste, water, and uranium, and we are eager to share our expertise," Sandra Choufani said.

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