Uzbekistan|politics|February 21, 2024 / 05:17 PM
National Programme of Action for Digitalization of Agriculture presented in Uzbekistan

AKIPRESS.COM - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) introduced the National Programme of Action for the Digitalization of Agriculture as a result of one-year technical assistance project, UzA reported.

The launch event brought together national and international stakeholders in Tashkent to present the National Programme.

"This Programme serves as a strategic guide to transform the country's agrifood system into a modern, competitive, sustainable, and resilient sector", said Daniela Di Gianantonio, Head of Digital Agriculture.

The occasion -provided an opportunity to reflect on progress, address challenges in mainstreaming technologies within the sector, and celebrate recent accomplishments under the FAO Digital Villages Initiative. The event advanced a shared vision for Uzbekistan's digital agriculture transformation and fostered stakeholder collaborative efforts.

The Programme of Action was developed under FAO's technical cooperation programme titled "Preparing the grounds for the digital transformation of agriculture" as a response to a request of the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan to address the challenges hindering innovation and digitalization in the agri-food sector.

This effort complements FAO's recent digitalization efforts in Uzbekistan, such as Digital Villages, geospatial labs, smart sensors, the Food Price Monitoring Tool, decision-support system for Land Degradation Neutrality, digital forest inventory. Its overarching objective is to create a catalytic effect and agrifood system change, steering the country to sustainable and climate-resilient pathways.

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