Kyrgyzstan|science|February 29, 2024 / 11:25 AM
"Where is this money?" Academy of Sciences puzzled by information of Cabinet Chairman Japarov about 320 million soms financing

AKIPRESS.COM - Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Akylbek Japarov said at the board meeting in the Ministry of Culture recently that 320 million soms were allocated to the Academy of Science, but this money was not spent, one of the scholars said at the conference of the National Academy of Sciences.

"Where is this money?" he asked.

President of the Academy of Sciences Kanatbek Abdrakhmatov said he does not know and did not know about his money.

"I would also ask Akylbek Japarov where this money is. I'm surprised where this information comes from," the Cabinet Chairman said.

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