Kyrgyzstan|politics|April 3, 2024 / 11:03 AM
EU calls adoption of foreign representatives law by Kyrgyzstan "worrying development"

AKIPRESS.COM - "The recent adoption of the legislation on ‘Non-Commercial Organizations’, more commonly known as the ‘Foreign Representatives’ legislation, in the Kyrgyz Republic, is a worrying development," the EU Delegation to the Kyrgyz Republic said.

Legislation that restricts civil society organisations’ ability to operate freely could have a negative impact on the Kyrgyz society and their cooperation with international partners, like the European Union.

"The European Union remains committed to bilateral cooperation with the Kyrgyz Republic based on respect for fundamental freedoms, the rule of law and democratic standards. These values constitute an integral part of our Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP+) and our upcoming Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (EPCA)," the statement said.

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