Mongolia|politics|May 28, 2024 / 10:53 AM
Mongolia to host Northeast Asian security conference in June

AKIPRESS.COM - The 9th International Conference on Northeast Asian Security Ulaanbaatar Dialogue will be held in Ulaanbaatar on June 6–7, Montsame reports.

The Ulaanbaatar Dialogue will have five sub-sessions: "Security Challenges and Opportunities in the Region", "Multilateral Cooperation in Northeast Asia", "Climate Change and Security Challenges in Northeast Asia", "Secure and Affordable Energy Transition in Northeast Asia" and "Developing Sustainable and Resilient Value Chains for Critical Energy Transition Minerals".

Mongolia has been consistently striving to establish a dialogue mechanism in Northeast Asia since 1980 and has been hosting the Ulaanbaatar Dialogue International Conference on Northeast Asian Security annually since 2014, initiating it in 2013.

The regular hosting of the conference made it an international platform to hold dialogue on regional security issues, their solutions, and confidence-building.

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