Uzbekistan|health|July 8, 2024 / 09:13 AM
Uzbekistan to examine Afghanistan soda banned in Kyrgyzstan

AKIPRESS.COM - Carbonated pomegranate drink Royal from Afghanistan will be re-tested in Uzbekistan, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Committee reported.

The drink was banned in Kyrgyzstan due to presence of a dye that can have a negative impact on children's health.

The Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare reported that the soda had previously been tested. No toxic or harmful substances to human health were found. There have also been no complaints from the population about the product to date.

Kyrgyzstan began to confiscate the pomegranate drink "Golden Life" (in Uzbekistan it is sold under the brand name Royal) since July 3. The carbonated drink contained the dye azorubin E 122, which can have a negative impact on the activity and attention of children.

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