World|environment|July 18, 2024 / 01:42 PM
At least 40 people die in Afghanistan due to floods

AKIPRESS.COM - At least 40 people were killed while 347 others were injured due to floods in Nangarhar province in eastern Afghanistan, Anadolu Agency reports, citing representative of the Ministry of Public Health Sharaf Zaman.

"347 people were injured due to floods. Many houses were destroyed, at least 40 people were killed (the death toll may rise)," he said.

About 400 houses were destroyed and 60 electric poles were knocked down. The authorities are assessing the damage.

Health services are being provided to the affected people, and the interim administration is coordinating with international organizations to prevent the spread of diseases, according to the spokesman.

Floods in Nangarhar province were caused by heavy rains, Afghan media reported.

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