Uzbekistan|economy|August 9, 2024 / 03:31 PM
EU, UNDP launch solar-powered drip irrigation system for local households in Uzbekistan

AKIPRESS.COM - The new drip irrigation system has been introduced in Akkurgan District, Tashkent Region — an area known for its challenging water supply conditions. The system includes a water pump that extracts water from a vertical well at a depth of 180 meters, with the support of solar panels. Today the system irrigates 0,8 hectares of land, benefiting 10 households and saving close to 60% of water compared to traditional irrigation methods, the EU Delegation said.

As climate change and increased demand for water threatens the environment and food security in Uzbekistan, the government is promoting cost-effective farmer-led irrigation as a key climate adaptation measure. The excess electricity generated by the solar panels is sold to the State Electricity System, and the revenue is used to manage and operate the irrigation well and the drip irrigation network.

This initiative was implemented by the local Innovation Group comprised of specialists from the Scientific Research Institute of Irrigation and Water Problems, Scientific Research Institute of Vegetables, Melon Crops and Potato, the International Strategic Centre for Agri-Food Development (ISCAD) under the Ministry of Agriculture, the Center for Agricultural Services (AKIS) and Koshtepa Assembly of Neighborhood Citizens.

Both the new drip irrigation system and the Innovation Group were launched as part of the project “Supporting an inclusive transition to a green economy in the agri-food sector and development of a climate-smart Uzbek Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation System” (EU-AGRIN). The project is implemented by the UNDP in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and funded by the European Union.

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