AKIPRESS.COM - The Australian Embassy and The Asia Foundation (TAF) signed a partnership agreement to strengthen women’s networks and movements for climate justice, increase women’s economic empowerment, and increase women’s access to green financing, the Australian Embassy said.
The Australian Government is making a contribution of AUD 2.5 million to the Women’s Climate Resilience (WCR) project, which will commence in August 2024 for the duration of the next five years.
Mongolia is among the most vulnerable countries to climate change and the frequency of climate- induced natural disasters of dzud, drought, snowstorms, dust storms, and flash flooding is increasing. Women, particularly those in rural areas and Ulaanbaatar's ger districts, have been disproportionately affected by the resulting climate-induced migration, economic insecurity, and health risks. WCR project will engage TAF’s Women’s Business Centers to address climate-induced migration challenges, continue and expand a carbon credit incentive mechanism targeting women-led households and women entrepreneurs, and enhance women’s leadership and voices in climate action and green sustainable financing.