Uzbekistan|life|September 5, 2024 / 01:12 PM
Representative of Uzbekistan takes part in Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Digital Inclusion and Transformation

AKIPRESS.COM - Minister of Digital Technologies of Uzbekistan Sherzod Shermatov participated in the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Digital Inclusion and Transformation, organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in Astana, UzA reported.

The plan for regional cooperation to accelerate digital innovation towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals was considered at the event. Heads of government and ministers from the Asia-Pacific region discussed issues of digital inclusion and transformation, as well as promoting sustainable development in the region.

The ministerial conference's main focus was on bridging the digital divide, providing digital skills training, ensuring digital security, and developing digital cooperation.

Minister of Digital Technologies Sherzod Shermatov made a presentation at the panel session "Policy prospects for building an inclusive and sustainable digital future for accelerated achievement of Sustainable Development Goals".

The Minister noted that the economic growth of digital technologies in Uzbekistan serves as a powerful tool for ensuring social integration and environmental sustainability.

He stressed that the Public Services Portal increases the efficiency and transparency of public services to the population and simplifies bureaucratic processes.

In addition, it was noted that active steps are being taken to develop inclusivity in providing digital public services. Tax incentives are provided to attract local and international IT companies and to develop a technological ecosystem that employs young people and women.

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