Kyrgyzstan|economy|November 6, 2024 / 03:38 PM
Orbán says Hungary is ready to contribute $100 million to OTS budget

AKIPRESS.COM - "We are ready to contribute $100 million to the Organization of Turkic States," Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at the 11th summit of the OTS in Bishkek.

"We also attract investments to Hungary and make our contribution to the development of economies of the OTS countries. At the last year’s summit, we reached an agreement with the European Center on creation of the OTS institute and attracting experts," he said.

The Prime Minister also added that there are projects in Hungary in the sphere of climate mitigation and other issues.

"It is about scientific cooperation between Hungary, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan in Ferghana on resolution of issues related to forests," he noted.

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