Kyrgyzstan|foreign policy|November 6, 2024 / 03:52 PM
11th OTS summit concludes with signing of documents and decisions in Bishkek

AKIPRESS.COM - The 11th summit of the Organization of Turkic States completed in Bishkek on November 6.

The summit was attended by Presidents of OTS member states Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan and the leaders of observer states Hungary, Turkmenistan and North Cyprus, as well as the OTS Secretary General Kubanychbek Omuraliyev.

The President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov chaired the summit.

Upon completion, the following decisions and documents were signed:

1. Bishkek Declaration of the 11th Summit of the Organization of Turkic States;
2. Decision to adopt the Turkic Green Vision: Unity for a sustainable future;
3. Decision to declare the city of Bishkek as the digital capital of the Organization of Turkic States in 2025;
4. Decision to award the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, with the Supreme Order of the Turkic world;
5. Decision on the adoption of the Charter of the Turkic World;
6. Decision on the appointment of Under-Secretaries-General of the Organization of Turkic States;
7. Decision to adopt the Regulations on Permanent Representatives of the Organization of Turkic States.
8. Decision on the acceptance of the flag of the Organization of Turkic States.
In addition, the following documents were signed as part of the Summit of the Heads of State of the Organization of Turkic States:
1. Agreement on the establishment of the OTS Civil Protection Mechanism;
2. Digital Economy Partnership Agreement;
3. Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of the Turkic Green Finance Council;
4. Memorandum on the establishment of the Council of Turkic Central Banks;
5. Memorandum of understanding for the development of the OTS technological Earth observation satellite;
6. Memorandum of Understanding on the development of the OTS Turkic Language Model.

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