World|politics|November 8, 2024 / 12:14 PM
Hungarian PM says he drank vodka in Bishkek in honor of Trump's presidential election win

AKIPRESS.COM - Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán drank vodka after victory of the Republican candidate Donald Trump won the U.S. presidential election.

According to him, the politician drank vodka and not champagne as he promised, since he was in Bishkek then, reports.

"I just partially kept my promise. We also opened champagne, but I was in Kyrgyzstan when Donald Trump won, the customs there are different, so we poured vodka. Very happy. Together we are pleased with the fantastic results," Orbán told a press conference following the 5th summit of the European Political Community in Budapest.

Orbán promised to celebrate Trump’s election victory with champagne in early October. "We’ll open some bottles of champagne, if Trump comes back," he said.

Victor Orbán was on official visit to Bishkek on November 5-6. He also took part in the 11th summit of the Organization of the Turkic States there.

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