Kyrgyzstan|business|November 15, 2024 / 10:21 AM
500 Largest Companies of Kyrgyzstan magazine published

AKIPRESS.COM - The 500 Largest Companies of Kyrgyzstan magazine has been published.

The magazine presents the companies that have made the greatest contribution to the development of the economy of Kyrgyzstan, containing all the necessary statistics on taxes, social security contributions, rankings.

The magazine allows to compare how companies have developed over 2 years: 2022 and 2023.

The rating is based on the unique data from the State Tax Service under the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic. The Tax Service provided a complete list of taxpayers, including 500 companies from all sectors of the economy with actually paid taxes in 2023.

The list includes both state-owned companies and organizations, as well as private companies, sole proprietors.

The first 50 large companies have their profiles, which display not only the amount of taxes paid, but also the main production and financial indicators (if the company disclosed such information), founders, managers, company contacts.

In addition to the information familiar to the magazine readers, the updated and supplemented format will contain 6 analytical articles by sectors: mining sector, oil and fuel market, food products, financial sector, trade, communications and IT sector.

Another novelty for readers will be the data from the National Statistical Committee. Readers will see rankings of 500, and not 200 as before, companies:

1) by turnover (revenue);

2) by gross income;

3) by balance sheet profit;

4) by operating profit;

5) by number of personnel.

This will be the third issue of the TOP 500 Taxpayers KG magazine, which Tazabek is preparing jointly with the State Tax Service and the National Statistical Committee.

The number of copies is limited!

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