Mongolia|life|December 2, 2024 / 05:28 PM
Mongolia and Australia hold negotiations on social security agreement

AKIPRESS.COM - The first meeting to launch negotiations on a social security agreement between Mongolia and Australia was held online, Montsame reported.

Representatives from the Australian Government Department of Social Services, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia, the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Protection of Mongolia, and the Australian Embassy in Mongolia shared information on the social security systems of the two countries and exchanged views on holding the first round of negotiations in next January and developing a draft agreement.

The Mongolian government concludes social security agreements with countries, where a large number of its citizens are residing, to ensure the social security rights for citizens living and working abroad. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, about 16,600 Mongolian citizens are residing in Australia as of 2023, of which about 10,000 are employed.

Mongolia has concluded social security agreements with Russia, the Republic of Korea, Hungary, Poland, Turkiye, and the Czech Republic. The Ministry of Family, Labor, and Social Protection reported that negotiations are underway to renew social security agreements with the Russia and the Republic of Korea and to establish new agreements with Kazakhstan and Austria.

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