Turkmenistan|foreign policy|December 3, 2024 / 01:35 AM
Delegation of Turkmenistan takes part in Central Asia-China Ministerial Meeting

AKIPRESS.COM - The delegation of Turkmenistan headed by Minister of Foreign Affairs Rashid Meredov took part in the 5th Central Asia-China Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, on December 1, the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan reported.

The participants of the meeting emphasized the important role of cooperation in the Central Asia-China Format in intensifying joint efforts aimed at strengthening constructive partnership.

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and China discussed priority vectors of collaboration between the Central Asian states and China, as well as defined relevant vectors for further partnership.

The sides exchanged views on a number of international issues pertaining to regional and global agenda.

The diplomats considered preparations for the upcoming Second Summit of the Central Asia-China Format, strengthening and development of political relations, the key directions for further advancement of business cooperation, protection and expansion of trade ties, ensuring energy and transportation interconnectivity.

Then the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Central Asia-China Format continued in the enlarged format.

Among the topics discussed, special focus was made on the necessity of consolidating joint efforts to ensure long-term peace and stability, intensifying political, trade-economic and investment cooperation, as well as expanding humanitarian ties.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan noted that the culture of respectful dialogue is the basis for further strengthening of trust and peace between countries and peoples, it cannot be restricted by time frames.

The Joint Statement was signed defining favorable vectors of multilateral cooperation within the framework of the Central Asia-China Format.

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