AKIPRESS.COM - Seamstress and businesswoman from Uzbekistan Dilorom Yuldosheva was included in the BBC 100 Women 2024, UzA reported.
Two years ago, Dilorom Yuldosheva lost both legs in an accident. She wanted to learn new skills while helping young Uzbek women make a living, so she set up her own sewing business.
She learned the basics of entrepreneurship and resource management and went on to train more than 40 apprentices. Within months, her company grew significantly, running free workshops and securing contracts to produce uniforms for workers and school students.
Her business has become a source of income for her and dozens of other women.
According to the Ministry of Justice, Dilorom Yuldosheva is the first participant in the social and legal project "Madad", initiated by the Ministry of Justice. She also became the main character of the film "Matonat".