Turkmenistan|economy|December 9, 2024 / 01:33 PM
President of Turkmenistan, Minister of Energy of Iran discuss bilateral cooperation

AKIPRESS.COM - President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov received Minister of Energy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Abbas Aliabadi and Governor of the Central Bank of Iran Mohammad Reza Farzi.

As it was noted a multi-vector fruitful partnership between the two countries has been established in political-diplomatic, financial-economic, energy, agricultural, transport, cultural and humanitarian spheres.

Trade and economic cooperation is one of the priority areas of bilateral relations. Iran occupies an important place in the foreign trade turnover of Turkmenistan.

Noting that there are all possibilities for further expansion of the dialog in the oil and gas sphere, President Berdimuhamedov expressed confidence that regular exchange of views on the search for new forms and methods of collaboration in this area and their practical implementation will be useful.

Emphasizing that these steps are being taken with consideration of environmental safety, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov reaffirmed Turkmenistan’s readiness to support initiatives and proposals aimed at expanding and strengthening bilateral relations.

At the end of the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and members of the delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran exchanged best wishes and expressed confidence in further successful development of interstate cooperation based on the principles of friendship and mutual benefit for the sake of the peoples of both countries.

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