Uzbekistan|education|December 27, 2024 / 12:52 PM
New measures to enhance qualifications of teachers and doctors to be introduced in Uzbekistan

AKIPRESS.COM - New measures to enhance qualifications and payment for doctors and teachers will be introduced in Uzbekistan from 2025, the presidential press service reported.

A digitalized system for awarding qualification categories to teachers will be introduced. Teachers who upgrade their qualifications will be incentivized, receiving up to a 70% bonus based on their accumulated scores.

The curricula in regional centers for professional development will be revised, and a differentiated system for teacher development will be introduced. Teachers who fail the qualification exams will undergo additional training through a separate program. In the regions, five modern pedagogical mastery centers, equipped with technology for situational training and virtual laboratories, will be established.

Material incentives will also be provided for school and preschool directors, as well as their deputies, using additional funding sources.

In 2025, over 100 new schools will be opened, creating 257,000 new student places. State educational programs will be aligned with international standards. The number of schools offering a second foreign language will increase to 420, and the number of institutions providing vocational education will reach 400.

In the healthcare sector, the quality of primary care will be improved. The Ministry of Health has been instructed to create an effective vertical management structure in the regions and increase attention to remote areas.

The advanced training program for medical workers is also planned to be improved, focusing on the transition from theoretical training to the formation of practical competencies. The salaries for all categories of doctors will be increased, and family doctors will be provided with bonuses based on performance indicators.

In 2024, 36 trillion soums ($2.8 billion) were allocated for healthcare in Uzbekistan, which is 25% more than in the previous year. In 2025, funding is planned to increase to 41 trillion soums ($3.2 billion).

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