Mongolia|economy|January 13, 2025 / 09:55 AM
Parliament of Mongolia discusses uranium mining project

AKIPRESS.COM - The Standing Committee on Economy of the Parliament discussed the amendments to the Law on the National Welfare Fund at the meeting on January 10.

During the meeting, the draft investment agreement on the uranium mining project to be established between the government of Mongolia and the French company Orano Mining S.A.S. was discussed and approved as well.

The draft investment agreement was presented by MP Uchral Nyam-Osor.

This project to put the Zuuvch Ovoo and Dulaan-Uul uranium deposits into economic circulation is one of 14 mega-projects of national development, the implementation of which is planned within the framework of the Government Action Program for 2024-2028.

The implementation of the agreement will increase foreign investment, mobilize funds for the national and local budgets, create jobs and introduce new technologies.

When voting on the draft investment agreement, 12 of the 14 MPs present at the meeting of the Standing Committee voted "yes". It was decided to present the conclusions on this issue to the Standing Committee on Security and Foreign Policy.

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