Mongolia|sport|January 23, 2025 / 10:33 AM
Ice archery tournament with prize fund of 100 million tugriks to be held in Mongolia

AKIPRESS.COM - The Mongolian Ice Archery Association (MIAA) plans to organize a LEAGUE archery tournament with a prize fund of 100 million tugriks, Montsame reported.

MIAA has branches in 21 provinces and Ulaanbaatar, as well as in four countries abroad. Ice archery has been recognized as a sport since 2013, and about 300 member athletes of the association regularly participate in ice archery tournaments.

"We organize a national championship every year. The top 16 teams in last year's National Championships will compete in the league. By organizing a tournament in the league format, we aim to include ice archery in the Winter Olympics program in the future. The 16 teams in the league will be divided into two tiers. The Higher and Top Leagues will be organized. The third round of the league would be the National Championships. Since ice archery is held outdoors in freezing temperatures, there are few spectators. Therefore, we will broadcast live on television and online," chief judge of the LEAGUE archery tournament N. Buyannemeh said.

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