Turkmenistan|politics|January 24, 2025 / 02:21 PM
Development of relations between Turkmenistan and UNICEF discussed

AKIPRESS.COM - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Myahri Byashimova and Head of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Representative Office in Turkmenistan Jalpa Ratna held a meeting on January 23, the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan reported.

The parties discussed priority areas and prospects for the development of relations between Turkmenistan and the UN Children's Fund.

The Turkmen side emphasized that Turkmenistan, as a member of the UNICEF Executive Board for 2024–2026, practices a holistic approach to issues of child health and development and the country is constantly improving its legislative framework in the field of child protection. The successful implementation of the National Action Plan for the Realization of Children's Rights in Turkmenistan for 2023-2028 was mentioned.

The interlocutors focused special attention on the development of the 2026-2030 Turkmenistan-UNICEF Country Programme aimed at improving the well-being of children in all sectors, including health care and nutrition, early childhood development, education and social protection.

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