Mongolia|education|February 3, 2025 / 10:10 AM
Mongolia to take part in its second PISA study

AKIPRESS.COM - Mongolia is preparing to participate in the second Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), Montsame reported.

As part of the preparation for the second PISA, a pilot assessment was conducted in Mongolia in April and May 2024. A total of 2,513 students from 32 schools completed tasks and questionnaires. Additionally, parents of the students, 154 teachers, and 32 school principals and educational managers participated in this assessment.

Approximately 190 schools and 7,500 students will be randomly selected for the second PISA. The assessment will be conducted jointly by the Ministry of Education, the General Authority for Education of Mongolia, the Education Evaluation Center of Mongolia, and other affiliated organizations between March and May 2025.

PISA, organized by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) every three years since 2000, is considered one of the largest international assessments, as it involves over 90 countries worldwide.

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