Kyrgyzstan|health|August 7, 2019 / 10:45 PM
Storming Atambayev's home: 10 people, 1 special force policeman injured

AKIPRESS.COM - As of 10:30 pm, 10 injured people were taken to hospitals in Bishkek and Chui region from Koi-Tash village, where special forces are storming ex-President Almazbek Atambayev's house, the Ministry of Health confirmed.

3 people have rubber bullet wounds, one has a concussion of the brain. The condition of the injured is moderate. 1 person has a hand injury from rubber bullet and eye contusion. One person was was taken to emergency surgery. Condition of other injured is of moderate severity.

Iskender Shayakhmetov, director of the Bishkek emergency medicine center, said one member of the security forces was injured. "Battle bullets are being fired from the house, and the special forces officer received a gunshot wound from a battle bullet in his chest. The bullet went through the vest," Shayakhmetov's press office said.

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